Tuesday, October 1, 2013


My first day of work was today! It was really great, and I'll definitely be telling you more about it in a post to follow.  For now I just want to inform all of you lovely people that I am, in fact, alive.  I thought I would have more reliable internet access, but that has turned out to not be the case.  I arrived in Barbate without incident, found an apartment, and have been getting settled (more deets to follow, I promise).  We should have wifi up and running in less than 2 weeks, so when that happens I'll be able to post more regularly.  Until then I'll be relying on occasional visits to a cafe that has wifi for patrons.  Right now I'm at a hostel in Jerez de la Frontera.  The other auxiliares and I are here for our orientation tomorrow.  

Thanks for your patience, everyone! 

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